The Ultimate plantain and salmon salad bowl. One of those meals that come together before your favorite playlist gets to playing your favorite song.
Is it just me or putting your favorite things together in a bowl has become the never ending food trend. Absolutely love pairing items that some would thing are unusual and yet they work like a match made in my grandma's kitchen.
First of all
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Kati kati and Cameroonian Style Turnip greens
Cameroonian Style Turnip Greens, kati kati and fufu corn. My complete Camair plate! I gave my mom a curious look when I saw her grabbing bunches of turnip greens at the store. "E de like njama njama" she says. Njama Njama, as we call it, is the African huckleberry plant. A well loved green by most back home especially those from the north west province. Traditionally, it is steamed and sauteed
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Cuban Spiced Salmon Bake with Veggies
This Cuban spiced salmon bake is one of those quick meals that make you thank the good lord for spice blends. With two little ones now it’s utmost that meals are ready in a jiffy.
Cuban Island Spice Blend
Savory spice is a beautiful spice shop located in downtown Franklin Tennessee. It’s hard to not find what you’re looking for when you walk in through those doors. Meaning something new
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Njangsa sauce with wild caught smelt
Thinking of smelt breaded and fried is the usual for most; but I think of smelt differently. I think of "Nwanjamoto". Smelt prepared by my grandma, with lots of traditional spices. Wrapped up in plantain leaves and cooked over coal. She usually serves this with some cocoyams or plantains. So simple. Once she opens the plantain leaves, the steam brings forth mouth watering aromas. You smell the
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pinto beans and butternut squash soup
This pinto beans and butternut squash soup is probably one of my coziest bowl of soups ever. It screams winter gathering so if you signed up for that potluck , safe time with this one-pot wonder. My husband has a thing for not eating left for soups especially until a day or two after. I was ready to have same soup for lunch the next day, but go figure, he ate it!!!! All of it.
There was some
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