Spicy Avocado Toast. Most mornings, there is a steaming bowl of oatmeal ready to go before my tribe awakes. Other mornings prayers to the toddler gods and hopes for an extra 30 minutes of sleep are unheeded. As I drag myself out of bed I regret the late night. You'd think at this point I should've learned to close the paper back by 9pm. Not a chance , and I suppose no such luck with them sleeping
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To the Tropics Green Tea
To the tropics green tea. I absolutely love pineapples. They are second only to mangoes, to which depending on what I'm making it becomes a very close tie.
Over ice or in a pretty tea cup , this refreshing goodness literally centers you. The sooth with each sip #cleansingspirit. You sure will be minding your business while enjoying a glass or two. The whole pitcher even. You can never have
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Spicy Jalapeno Sauce and Plantains
Spicy Jalapeno Sauce! Served with some sweet ripe plantains. This sauce , made with jalapenos from my humble potted pepper plant is very special to me. That beautiful green, the kick which I absolutely love and not to forget it simplicity.
If you're keeping up with me on instagram you know about "Our" garden. This potted plant was a pleasant surprise considering
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Plantain and Salmon salad bowl
The Ultimate plantain and salmon salad bowl. One of those meals that come together before your favorite playlist gets to playing your favorite song.
Is it just me or putting your favorite things together in a bowl has become the never ending food trend. Absolutely love pairing items that some would thing are unusual and yet they work like a match made in my grandma's kitchen.
First of all
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Kati kati and Cameroonian Style Turnip greens
Cameroonian Style Turnip Greens, kati kati and fufu corn. My complete Camair plate! I gave my mom a curious look when I saw her grabbing bunches of turnip greens at the store. "E de like njama njama" she says. Njama Njama, as we call it, is the African huckleberry plant. A well loved green by most back home especially those from the north west province. Traditionally, it is steamed and sauteed
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