Groundnut Sweet is a treat to try, believe you me. It will be a blatant lie if I tell you I make this often, not because I don’t like it, matter of fact I LOVE it! I’m not much of a sweet tooth but this….this makes me one. This batch made it past three days and that is a first. So the reason It’s not a frequent flyer in my home is because its just too darn good. A girl’s gotta watch that sugar sometimes right? That aside, you absolutely have to treat yourself to this crunchy delight at least once in your lifetime…..or make it as often as you want.
Oh wait, and if you feel a little guilt. I mean just a little guilt with how much of it you consume in one sitting, do what I do. You know those overly priced mixed nut treats? Make your own. Throw in a handful or two with your almonds, cashews, pecans and what ever you want. Now that will be quite a treat won’t it. The crunch….oh the crunch! I EAT IT FOR THE CRUNCH! Its part of the journey.
All your senses play a role. You smell it. The wonderful smell when I roast peanuts always gets me. Maybe because it conjures memories of my moms peanut stew. You see it and it just draws you in. Feel that rough sugar coating. The moment it hits your tongue and you bite down. You hear that crunch….perfection.
Our youth day in Cameroon is celebrated on the 11th of February. One of the few days during a school term we get to leave campus. I remember the excitement around that special day. Competitions between schools from dancing, singing, handball, soccer and much more. Clean pressed uniforms because maintaining the reputation of your school is top priority. Budgeting those few hundred francs, ready to splurge on some outside fun. Among other snacks like plantain chips, coconut sweet is my favorite, groundnut sweet. You can buy little snack packets or a sealed plastic bottle.
They say be back on campus by 4pm. Most of us wear an even bigger smile than when we left that morning. Maybe it’s because we know at least once a day, we get to enjoy a handful of crunchy groundnut sweet. Just a handful because you want to make it last. Last long enough until your next venture to the outside world.
Enjoy this childhood favorite of mine. Its not that sinful but even if it is, treat yourself to it once in a while. You’ll love it.

Crunchy groundnut sweet
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 and 1/2 cup water
- 1 and 1/2 cup raw spanish peanuts (skin on)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
- Preheat oven to 350 and bake peanuts for 10 minutes or until it starts getting oily and some of the skin starts to peel.
- Combine water and sugar in a large skillet. On medium heat, dissolve sugar and bring to a gentle simmer.
- Add in vanilla and roasted peanuts. Continue to simmer, stirring occasionally as it thickens. Continue to cook and stir until sugar crystals start to form around the peanuts. Keep and eye on it, cook for another minute or so, making sure we do not caramelize.
- Remove from heat and immediately transfer to parchment paper to cool. ENJOY. Store in an air tight bag or container.
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