The kitchen project is one of the best decisions I ever made when it comes to kitchen organization. These are the words from my dear husband. After relocating almost a year ago from Wisconsin as apartment dwellers to Tennessee as homeowners, we finally have more kitchen cabinet space. Its funny how I did not recognize the extra minutes it takes to dig stuff out from jam packed cabinets until our kitchen pantry project was complete.

Here comes my husband with boxes of mason jars from target. “Here you go, organize our cabinets”. Lets just say I definitely ran with it. It is time consuming, depending on how much you have to work with; but it honestly is the best thing we’ve done to help keep our kitchen cabinets organized always.

- We can easily locate what we’re looking for
- We know exactly the items we’re running low of, so grocery lists are quick and easy
- And NO MISHAPS! “Chili powder” for “Cayenne” . Everything is labelled.
And yes, Cayenne was mistaken for chili powder…. and lets just say a pot of chili went bye bye. Speaking of labeling, we decided to label the caps and not the actual bottles. Reason being we can wash the jars and not worry about ruining the labels.
See that mess up there? That was me back then…..maybe you now, but its a simple fix. I couldn’t wait for my jars to get out of the dishwasher so I would get things going. YES! WASH THEM FIRST!
It was a little overwhelming pulling everything out of the cabinet at once because I saw the disaster but I knew it is now or never. The night is young, Baylee is in bed, adult beverage around the corner, best playlist going, GAME ON! So I pulled everything out and got to work.
We all know you bought that brown rice because you decided to eat a little healthier (HIGH FIVE!) , or someone somewhere on social media (who doesn’t matter by the way) made you feel guilty about eating white rice. Stay strong with that brown rice , but if its been there for years, “LET IT GO”! Get you a fresh batch and store in a mason jar. Make sure its the first grain you see in the morning, that way, you’ll probably replenish that jar several times a year.
By the way I love brown rice! Lets make sure we store fresh ingredients so they stay that way even longer. If they go in stale, they come out stale (probably more stale)

Ensuring everything is at eye level is challenging but storing easily identifiable ingredients at the top cabinet definitely helps. Its easy to differentiate beans (black , pinto lima, kidney…) from corn, rice or crayfish (please jar it up, no one wants their entire home smelling like crayfish!)
On the other hand, it probably will take a little longer to differentiate quinoa from millet, so here is where eye level , proper labelling comes in. Or you can get a step stool or label the front of your jars. Which ever works best.
Since this project was completed, cooking is not only enjoyable but much more faster and easier. I love to cook and if you do, an organized kitchen is definitely a must.
Another kitchen project that sealed the deal for me was this kitchen cart from my dear husband. We wanted something unique and looked them up on Etsy. Lets just say our wallets didn’t approve so we decided to go on a barn wood hunt and design one.

These projects for us are exciting and very fulfilling. As new homeowners, we want a personal touch to what we add into our home. And I must say, thanks to my husband we ‘ve had quite a few of these already. Still working on it, and our wallets are definitely smiling with us.
There is always a home project going on. We will definitely be sharing our kitchen projects with y’all.
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